About Us

Midwest Paranormal Observation & Research Team (MPORT) is a small team of paranormal investigators founded by my wife and I based on our interest in the supernatural that is so strong, We had our honeymoon in room 217 of the Stanley Hotel. We are a team founded by husband and wife, but we are no Ed and Lorraine Warren, nor are we T.A.P.S., or Ghost Adventurers. We are amateurs in the field of parapsychology and paranormal research. We have had a love for the paranormal long before we knew one another but we would be far off to call ourselves professionals compared to the many who have done this for so many years. Being that, my wife is from the Springfield area and I am from Macomb. Most of our investigations include, but are not limited to, the Midwestern United States.
We like to consider ourselves flexible; We don't expect every team member to join us on every investigation. We all have full time jobs and busy schedules; Making every investigation would be impossible as our youngest member has kindergarten throughout the week and is not allowed in many of the places we investigate but he does come in handy for giving us another perspective via his discovery kids cam on early night investigations. We are an open minded group but as anyone should, we keep a skeptical perspective on all our investigations. Most haunts are nothing more then urban legends and businesses trying to seek profit.
